The chapel
The bishop’s private chapel is accessed from room V.
On the back wall of the small chapel, which has an asymmetrical floor plan, is a marble altar, made – replacing the previous wooden one – in the very early 1900s. At the top of the altar is a wooden trunk with a bone crucifix, which can be traced back to the 18th century.
On the two shelves next to the tabernacle are 12 candlesticks made of carved wood and gold leaf, while on the altar table is a Canon Missae ad usum episcoporum ac praelatorum (liturgical book containing the Canon of the Mass), published by the Vatican printing house in 1745, with the coat of arms of Bishop Vincenzo M. De Francisco on the cover.
Very interesting, on the left wall, is a series of fifteen small oils on canvas depicting the mysteries of the Holy Rosary, from the choir of the Capuchin church at Camposanto.
The Sicilian majolica floor bears witness to the various renovations the chapel underwent over the centuries; the date on the tile placed on the threshold documents the 1846 renovation by Bishop Attanasio.